Hengam Island

دیدنیهای جزیره هرمز
Hormuz island
September 6, 2017
تنگه چاهکوه
Strait of Chahkuh
September 6, 2017
رقص دلفین ها در جزیره هنگام

From the landmarks of the island. Watching the dolphin categories around the island is one of the most spectacular views of the island. Swimming and diving on the beaches around the island and watching the turtles, beautiful rocky sandy beaches and sandy beaches, including the surrounding sea attractions and unique nature, Ahuwan, and the country’s first and largest crocodile farm are the attractions of the island at the time.

Dolphin dancing on the island at the time

The glacial waters of the Gulf and a variety of marine species that can be found abundantly on the island with some care, and the most famous of them are dolphins, which are considered to be the attractions of the island.

The waters around the island are known as the dolphin habitat, and many tourists visit Qeshm to travel to the island to watch the life of dolphins.

The tourist booths are ready to serve the tourists all day, but note that if you want to watch dolphins at low cost, you must arrive early this morning.

Do not miss the beach at Coral

If you go to this island one day, do not miss the pleasures of the Gulf Coast, which is very clear because of the coral nature of the beaches.

Of course, having the necessary supplies and especially the gourmets to wash your body after a meal can help to leave a better memory.

If you have the experience and the diving equipment and you can use a submersion camera, you will certainly have some great pictures, but you should also take care of underwater creatures in any case.

  Salt cave
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